Friday, January 24, 2014

23 Mobile Things * Thing 7!

Content Saving and Sharing

The proposal for Thing 7 is to be able to store our bookmarks in the cloud making them accessible from any Internet connected device.  I know that several teachers at school have Pinterest boards so I will investigate this app. I went ahead and created a Children's Books/Author Board containing pins of my favorite titles for children ages 2-12! I could see myself creating a Recipe Board, a Gardening Board and a Home Decorating Board! Great Fun indeed.

23 Mobile Things * Thing 6!

Creating and Editing Docs

CloudOn is the ticket for creating documents just like we do on a regular computer! This is truly a create anywhere tool. Even better, when all is complete it can be e-mailed too. I was pretty excited about having this capability. So far, next to Mobile Thing 1, this is my next favorite thing!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

23 Mobile Things * Thing 5!

Note Taking

The dictation app I investigated is Dragon Dictation; it is a simple speech to text app where you can speak and Dragon will type out what you say! You're able to edit the notes with a keyboard which is a good thing as it doesn't always write what you say. The key here is to speak slowly, loudly with emphasis an enunciation. Notes can be sent to email, Facebook, or Twitter directly from the note page. I think students would have fun using it with a book talk or review, and I could see teachers using it perhaps to quickly dictate homework or even a spelling list for example! I like the fact that we can send right from the app. I created a grocery list and a dinner meeting as a reminder. This is a nice and easy way to go! 
I earned a Badge!!! 

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

23 Mobile Things * Thing 4!

Keeping Up

Be sure to watch the Common Craft Video as it truly explains RSS feeds in a nut shell! The video had me questioning how connected I want to be to the internet, how cool to I want to be with all this cool stuff that the videographer says is happening on the net. Do I want to really take on the new fast way, which after all is partly the point of 23 Mobile Things? Personally I am going into this with my dabbling old ways, not daring new ways? I kind of like the old but am happy to be exposed to the new...but did you read me, I like the old!!!!! As Thing #4 is titled "Keeping UP, " I don't know that I want to.

Google Reader was my go to RSS feed only to find out it was discontinued. Google did link us to some alternatives. I have chosen Flipboard:Your Social News Magazine. Darn - another account I have to set up with a username and password -my Flipboard categories are News and Design. I can see flipping through this at night by the fire after I have read a good book! I like the page flipping format and all that is available. I am afraid it could be pretty addicting to flip and flip!

Please venture to this link for more on Flipboard for educators.

After perusing Flipboard I thought I could create "Booktalk Magazines." I would put the cover of the book on the cover of the Flipboard magazine and review articles and excerpts from the featured book on the following pages! These could be posted to the library homepage for the kids to enjoy. We'll see!

23 Mobile Things * Thing 3!


Our task for Thing 3 was to turn our tablets into an even more useful tool. In all honesty, I felt this was over kill for me as I learned so much with Thing 2 Tips and Tricks. Let me perfect those tips before tackling any more. But I wanted to do my homework so I added Google to my app folder. Google Search offers a Tip and Trick of the day that was fun. At this point during a typical library day I do not need any more bells and whistles to manage my day. I have a nice balance of new technology and good old paper to keep me organized. The library is a happy, well run place!

Friday, January 17, 2014

23 Mobile Things * Thing 2!

Mobile Device Tips

I encourage all participating in 23 Mobile Things to take time reading and doing the best iPad tips and tricks (iOS 4to 6) as it was well worth it! I probably spent 3 hours going through the tips. Some of the tips I thought were either useful or more fun were:
Typing Special Characters
Typing Faster with Multiple Space
Accessing the Smiley or Emoji Characters 😊💕🍀!
Splitting the Keyboard
Using Reminders

When downloading the free iPad User Guide I realized how many free books there are to download from the Store! Thank you Apple people.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

23 Mobile Things * Thing1!


Blogging and Registering

Today I created my ReadLady Blog and entered my first successful post! Here we go...should be fun!

With 23 Mobile things I will no longer be a dabbling mobile user but a daring mobile user, ready to share what I learn with my students - or at least keep up with them!