Keeping Up
Be sure to watch the Common Craft Video as it truly explains RSS feeds in a nut shell! The video had me questioning how connected I want to be to the internet, how cool to I want to be with all this cool stuff that the videographer says is happening on the net. Do I want to really take on the new fast way, which after all is partly the point of 23 Mobile Things? Personally I am going into this with my dabbling old ways, not daring new ways? I kind of like the old but am happy to be exposed to the new...but did you read me, I like the old!!!!! As Thing #4 is titled "Keeping UP, " I don't know that I want to.
Google Reader was my go to RSS feed only to find out it was discontinued. Google did link us to some alternatives. I have chosen Flipboard:Your Social News Magazine. Darn - another account I have to set up with a username and password -my Flipboard categories are News and Design. I can see flipping through this at night by the fire after I have read a good book! I like the page flipping format and all that is available. I am afraid it could be pretty addicting to flip and flip!
Please venture to this link for more on Flipboard for educators.
After perusing Flipboard I thought I could create "Booktalk Magazines." I would put the cover of the book on the cover of the Flipboard magazine and review articles and excerpts from the featured book on the following pages! These could be posted to the library homepage for the kids to enjoy. We'll see!
Thank you for the educators link about Flipboard.