Wednesday, February 5, 2014

23 Mobile Things * Thing 8!

Social Media Management Tools

Managing my social media! Ha! I don't want to twitter and do Facebook but I will be happy to explore! Here goes something!

First of all I was surprised that I had to download an app...I have a lot to learn! I did not want to sign in or sign up with another password! Guess I will go on to Facebook! I will review the Facebook iPad App Tutorial which in the long run proved to be enough. I am pleased to see the various privacy levels with Facebook. My initial reaction is that it is overkill and a repetitive resource for us. So many of the First 7 Mobile Things we have perused are capable of doing what Facebook does.  Frankly I do not have the time and choose not to Facebook. Sorry if I am showing my 50 something age. Now, I am getting ticked as I see it as a waste of my precious time. Sorry 23 Mobile Things I'm not buying in to it.


  1. Hi. One of the objectives of the 23 Mobile Things is to help create awareness of the many categories and kinds of applications that are available for working with digital information. The objective is not concerned with creating users and advocates of each and every application. I appreciate your candid comments about this Item being "overkill". I would simple be pleased to know that you learned something from this Item. I hope you found at least one positive to take away with you from this item. At the end of the day, this is a learning experience. I would encourage you to go back and revisit this Item and see if you can pull out a notable learning outcome for yourself. Thanks again for participating.
    Eddy Morrow - 23 Things Mobile Coach

  2. Awareness is key here...that would be my learning outcome and am ever appreciative. 23 Mobile Things has been the best learning experience for me. I feel I have gained in knowledge and confidence and it is fun! Thank you.
